One Size Does Not Fit All


There is no “one size fits all” in our practice.

As a Structural Chiropractor, my responsibility is to to look beneath the symptoms, and address the primary cause of your condition. If we can correct a structural issue and create changes that will not only eliminate the patient’s pain but also improve their overall quality of life, then we would be negligent not to do so.To simply address the pain, is like cutting the heads off all the dandelions on your lawn, and hoping that the dandelions will never return. For some patients, that means a few weeks of adjustments – for others, it could mean months.

The reason that we conduct such a thorough examination on the first visit – using only objective measurement – is so that we can recommend to the patient, exactly what they need. Your spine is the foundation of your body, and all of the organs, muscles, and connective tissue are built around it. Our job is to reset your body in such a way that will counter some of damage that is often discovered during the examination. This will allow the body to heal, thus leading to reduction, and hopefully elimination of any secondary conditions.

Using the findings from examination, we determine how to specifically make the appropriate corrections to your spine. Rest assured, at True Health, you will always get customized chiropractic care based on YOUR individual needs.

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