The Truth About Sunscreen

While we know that sunscreens prevent sunburns, beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about their safety and efficacy. The letters SPF mean “sun protection factor” and refer only to protection against UVB radiation, which burns the skin. It has nothing to do with UVA radiation that penetrates deep into the skin, accelerates skin aging and may cause skin cancer. 

It’s also important to note that no SPF (not even 100 SPF) offers 100 percent protection. The difference in UVB protection between an SPF 100 and SPF 50 is marginal (SPF 100 blocks 99 percent of UVB rays, while SPF 50 blocks 98 percent). A sunscreen’s SPF number is calculated by comparing the time needed for a person to burn unprotected with how long it takes for that person to burn wearing sunscreen. So a person who turns red after 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure is theoretically protected 15 times longer if they adequately apply SPF 15. 

So, what’s the problem with sunscreen? As a society we have been taught to avoid the sun -which helps our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D- and instead put chemical laden lotions on in hopes of reducing one type of cancer (skin) that is not commonly fatal. As a result, Americans are now vitamin D deficient which can lead to a multitude of health problems. Continue reading “The Truth About Sunscreen”

Chiropractic 101 (aka The Safety Pin Cycle)

From a very simple perspective, this is how the brain controls the body.

Your brain generates nerve impulses to control and regulate your entire body, from your nose to your toes. Nerve impulses are sent down the spinal cord and out to every organ and tissue of your body. So that your brain knows everything is working as designed, impulses are sent back up to the brain. That’s the definition of True Health.

Many things can disrupt nerve impulses either to or from your brain. The moving bones of the spine are common culprits. When this happens, affected organs and tissues will not work right and symptoms can result. Chiropractors locate and reduce these nervous system disturbances with safe and natural chiropractic adjustments. With restored nervous system integrity, health can return. Without drugs or surgery.

Simple as that.

“You Can Heal It, We Can Help…”

The Home Depot attributes its success and growth (nearly 2,000 stores in the US, Canada and Mexico) to one simple concept…INDEPENDENCE. Their motto, “You can build it, we can help” celebrates that spirit. They’ve discovered when given the choice to pay someone to do a project or to just ‘do it yourself’ many people choose the latter because of the sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and pride they from completing the job themselves. Not to mention, saving some money in the process!

Our principled, chiropractic philosophy inherently shares the same concept.

True Health comes from the inside out. When given the choice to have a doctor heal you with drugs or surgery from the outside or to ‘heal it yourself’ from the inside, most people would rather choose INDEPENDENCE and heal on their own. When we tell our patients, ‘you can heal it, we can help’ we connect with an, innate truthful understanding that healing is a do-it-yourself job and all we do as chiropractors is open the lines of communication to help get you well. Plus, you can save a lot of money in the process!


Are We Medicalizing Normality?

In a commentary published in the October 20, 2011 issue of The Journal of Pediatrics, Dr. Eric Hassall cautions that medicine has turned normal function in infants into a disease complete with drug therapy and the resulting list of adverse events.

The problem lies in the fact that many doctors are viewing frequent spitting up, irritability and unexplained crying in infants under the age of one as a medical condition because the symptoms are distressing to parents. This has resulted in an increase in written prescriptions for acid-suppression medication over the last decade. Continue reading “Are We Medicalizing Normality?”

How to Manage Asthma Naturally

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways in your lungs, tiny pockets called alveoli where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged as you breathe. An asthma attack occurs when the the lung tissue is inflamed to such a point that enough oxygen can’t enter the blood stream and carbon dioxide can’t be expelled.

Deepak Chopra’s take on asthma and allergies is dead on, he explains: Continue reading “How to Manage Asthma Naturally”