Why Is Alignment Important?

True Health starts with an aligned spine

The human body craves alignment. We work most efficiently when we are aligned. Ideally our bones should be supporting our weight (not our muscles) but when we lose normal alignment – the muscles pick up the slack which results in muscle strains, sprains, and tears. When we lose proper alignment we see joints begin to break down or wear out – due to uneven weight distribution.

Anyone who has ever driven and maintained an automobile for an extended period of time has likely dealt with an alignment problem. The effects of a simple curb nudge, fender-bender or direct collision may create a misalignment that is not immediately obvious. Our bodies are very much like automobiles – and we may not realize that our own alignment is off until an ankle sprain leads to knee trouble or the occasional ache develops into chronic pain or worse yet – we need a knee or hip replacement.

As chiropractors, we understand the human body is better able to deal with stressors when there is balance in the spine – allowing the nerve system to work free of any structural interference. The focus of chiropractic care is to keep the bones of the spine (vertebrae) in their proper relationships with each other, which enhances the function of the spine and nerve system in order to allow the body to fully express its maximum potential and work optimally. Continue reading “Why Is Alignment Important?”

Chiropractic and Digestion

chiropractic and digestion

The symptoms of abnormal digestion are becoming increasingly more prevalent in our society. Americans spent $13 billion on acid stopping medications in 2006. Nexium, the most popular, brought in $5.1 billion alone – making it the second highest selling drug behind Lipitor. More than 60 million prescriptions for GERD were filled in 2004. Fortunately, there is a growing body of research that shows a connection to your spine and nervous system.

The nervous system controls digestive function from several different regions. The vagus nerve which courses out of the brain stem and runs near the atlas bone innervates all the major organs of digestion and functions to stimulate the digestive process. Other major areas controlling the pace of digestion include the sympathetic nerves coming out of the thoracic & lumbar regions and the sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers. Spinal misalignment in any of these regions can lead to neurological compromise and altered digestive function.

Chiropractors search for the location of such spinal misalignments termed subluxations. A specific chiropractic adjustment realigns the altered regions and restores nerve supply. It is important to not that chiropractic care is NOT a treatment for digestive issues – however – restoring nerve supply to areas that control digestion can have a dramatic effect on a person’s digestive troubles. Continue reading “Chiropractic and Digestion”

Why Humans Are Like Light Bulbs


According to physicist Peter Hoffman, “Humans talk, write, walk and love using the same amount of energy per second as a light bulb.” Hoffman goes on to explain that to power a human being it takes about 120 watts a day.

Now, think of your Nervous System as electrical wires and your body a 120 watt light bulb connected to it. When the wires are clear and electricity flows freely, your bulb glows to 120 watts. For us this means that your brain can coordinate with your body via your nervous system, both organ and cell function. It is scientific fact that this communication in your body is the basis of your health and vitality. But if power is restricted in the wires, your bulb dims – nerve messages become impaired – which lessens overall function and general health.

In fact, if you break down the word subluxation (a misalignment of the spine) this becomes clearer. SUB meaning ‘less’, LUX, which is ‘a measurement of light’, and ATION, which is a ‘state of’. Subluxation is therefore a state of less light. That’s pretty simple isn’t it? Subluxation interferes with the energy, the lifeline, in the body.

The more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy is available for thinking, metabolism and healing. As Chiropractors, we adjust the spine to remove nerve interference – so you can shine bright. So don’t wait until your light’s completely out, get adjusted now for optimal health!

Why Do I Need Maintenance Chiropractic Care?

maintenance chiropractic care

Every day more and more people are reevaluating their options when it comes to health care. They are realizing that wellness comes from within and that the best way to avoid illness and discomfort is to be “health conscious” in their daily lifestyles. In order to accomplish this we must first understand what it is we need to do to get and stay well.

The simple answer is that we need to adopt lifestyle behaviors that promote health – as opposed to those that lead to sickness. Because the truth is there is no drug that can fix our poor diet or remove the toxins from the processed food we eat. There is no drug that can undo our sedentary living or poor fitness – the answer is in our lifestyle choices. One major lifestyle choice we can adopt is to receive regular chiropractic adjustments, often called maintenance or wellness chiropractic care.

Understanding the reason for maintenance chiropractic care mandates an understanding of two major well documented concepts: 1) immobilization degeneration; and 2) the neurology of pain processing. A primary component of a subluxation (misalignment in the spine) is loss of normal motion in that area; and there is an immense body of research to support the ensuing degenerative process that will occur with this loss of motion and the logical conclusion of restoring movement to the spine.

You see, chiropractic is important for our health in many of the same ways that exercise is so crucial for our overall health and well-being. It’s all about movement. Movement feeds the brain, when we become misaligned we lose the normal motion of that spinal segment – which leads to degenerated joints and  decreases these movement- rich nutrients to the brain (proprioceptive signals). Continue reading “Why Do I Need Maintenance Chiropractic Care?”

Chiropractic & Running

chiropractic and running

Chiropractic adjustments help ensure that the body functions as efficiently as possible, which can maximize not only performance but healing and recovery from all types of injuries.

When the spine is in its optimal structural position, the nerves are protected and optimal communication exists between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. The vertebra of the spine are susceptible to certain stresses and forces, which can cause them to lose their proper position.

These minor misalignments of the spine cause nerve interference and weaken the entire structure of the spine. Athletic training can often jar and misalign the spinal column, because the spine is at the center of the body. Impact to the legs, feet, head, shoulders and torso often radiates to the spine. Because of its ability to maintain optimum health and structural balance, chiropractic care has helped many athletes to achieve their goals. 

Runners stand to benefit the most from chiropractic because of the grueling nature of the sport and it’s potentially detrimental affects on the joints of the foot, knees, and hips. Running is a repetitive motion sport that requires your body to undergo wear and tear at a much higher rate than non-weight bearing sports or everyday activities. With each driving stride, a vibration with a force of three times the athletes’ body weight will shock the runner.  Continue reading “Chiropractic & Running”