The Truth About Sunscreen

While we know that sunscreens prevent sunburns, beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about their safety and efficacy. The letters SPF mean “sun protection factor” and refer only to protection against UVB radiation, which burns the skin. It has nothing to do with UVA radiation that penetrates deep into the skin, accelerates skin aging and may cause skin cancer. 

It’s also important to note that no SPF (not even 100 SPF) offers 100 percent protection. The difference in UVB protection between an SPF 100 and SPF 50 is marginal (SPF 100 blocks 99 percent of UVB rays, while SPF 50 blocks 98 percent). A sunscreen’s SPF number is calculated by comparing the time needed for a person to burn unprotected with how long it takes for that person to burn wearing sunscreen. So a person who turns red after 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure is theoretically protected 15 times longer if they adequately apply SPF 15. 

So, what’s the problem with sunscreen? As a society we have been taught to avoid the sun -which helps our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D- and instead put chemical laden lotions on in hopes of reducing one type of cancer (skin) that is not commonly fatal. As a result, Americans are now vitamin D deficient which can lead to a multitude of health problems. Continue reading “The Truth About Sunscreen”

Breastfeeding Is ‘Health, Not Lifestyle’ Choice

New guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics presented in the March 2012 issue of the journal Pediatrics say that every infant should begin life with six months of exclusive breastfeeding, followed by a minimum of another six months with other foods being gradually added to the child’s diet.

“Recently, published evidence-based studies have confirmed and quantitated the risks of not breastfeeding,” the authors stated.

“Thus, infant feeding should not be considered as a lifestyle choice, but rather as a basic health issue. As such, the pediatrician’s role in advocating and supporting proper breastfeeding practices is essential and vital for the achievement of this preferred public health goal.”

Estimates have suggested that more than 900 infant deaths per year in the United States could be prevented if 90% of mothers breastfeed exclusively for six months, the authors wrote. Other positive outcomes linked to breastfeeding include: Continue reading “Breastfeeding Is ‘Health, Not Lifestyle’ Choice”

How to Sleep Well Naturally

Getting a good night of sleep is one of the cornerstones of health. After all, sleep is when your body is able to repair and heal. However, sleep deprivation is such a chronic condition these days that you might not even realize you suffer from it.

Our inability to disconnect – from cell phones, tablets, laptops, television, music players – all can result in a lack of rest. Science has now established that a sleep deficit can have serious, far reaching effects on your health. For example, interrupted or impaired sleep can; weaken your immune system, accelerate tumor growth, impair your memory, and decrease your performance on physical and mental tasks. When your circadian rhythms are disrupted, your body produces less melatonin and has less ability to fight cancer (melatonin helps suppress free radicals that can lead to cancer). This is why tumors grow faster when you sleep poorly.

What can you do to help get a better night of sleep? Continue reading “How to Sleep Well Naturally”

Germs + Chiropractic = Healthier Childhood

There’s a growing body of research showing that children exposed to lots of germs early in life are less likely to develop allergies, asthma or autoimmune disorders as they grow up.

A recent study done in the Journal Science shows that exposure to microbes during early childhood is associated with protection from immune-mediated diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and asthma. The reason being that when these microbes enter the gut they keep a rare part of the immune system reined in. When there are NO microbes present, the immune cells run rampant in the lungs and intestines, increasing the risk of asthma and colitis. Add in the microbes, and cells in question, invariant natural killer T cells, retreat. Continue reading “Germs + Chiropractic = Healthier Childhood”

Ear Infections: A Natural Approach

Otitis media (more commonly known as an ear infection) is a generic name for several conditions that can affect the middle ear, including inflammation of the middle ear, ranging from acute to chronic and with or without symptoms.

Acute otitis media (AOM) is characterized by symptoms of pain and fever. Otitis media with effusion (OME) is typified by the presence of fluid in the middle ear without signs or symptoms of infection. Ear infections account for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Antibiotics are not always effective and may even lead to a recurrence of ear infections. Continue reading “Ear Infections: A Natural Approach”